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1  Site & Forum Feedback / Forum Feedback / New anti-spam rules on: December 22, 2010, 01:11:43 AM
Starting with 22nd of December 2010, I updated the Newbie group to contain only users with 0 posts and created a "good users" group for the rest. Now, the Newbie group can only post in the Newbie board WHERE the posts are not counted. Also, the newbie board is not visible to the world, only to registered users. So spammers can post there as much as they want )also keep in mind that akismet is still doing it's job flawlessly)

Now, when you are a legitimate user wanting to post something somewhere but you're newbie, you will post your topic there and also specify where you want it to actually reside. Then I will get an email once you post and in the next few hours/days will move the topic to the appropriate location which will in turn raise your post count with 1 thus no longer being a newbie and now being able to post without restrictions.

For the spammers however, this is all bad news. And that's because their garbage will not make it into the open even if akismet fails (which since I installed it it did not).
Also, in order to not keep unnecessary spammer accounts registered, I will implement a script that will periodically delete all newbie accounts that are not confirmed. And the news here is that all newbie accounts will be reverted to not confirmed periodically and re-sent the confirmation email. Hopefully I'll have time to make that script this year.
2  Product/Code Feedback / Tools & utils / Re: Yahoo Messenger Archive Manipulator Decode/Read/Save/Search on: August 24, 2010, 08:29:14 PM
done. enjoy Smiley
3  Web Projects / (formerly / Re: Another Long Url Shortener WebSite aka ALUS.WS on: March 08, 2010, 10:38:34 PM
I just upgraded from tighurl to yourls. I say upgrade and not migrate because it really feels like an upgrade Smiley

It rocks.
4  Product/Code Feedback / Tools & utils / Re: Application Launcher on: March 08, 2010, 09:20:07 PM
major upgrade:
- added multi-user support
- all data moved to APPDIR
- added configuration from UI
- changed file format to XML
- password is now encrypted
- support any number of custom sections
- added custom delay per application
5  General / Chit Chat / Re: EE on: December 07, 2009, 07:52:51 PM
I see. (I can only read the question since my account is suspended and comments cannot be viewed unless registered. stupid.)
anyhow, I dropped him an email Smiley
6  General / Chit Chat / Re: EE on: December 04, 2009, 06:06:49 PM
he dropped out too? didn't know that.
7  General / Chit Chat / Re: EE on: December 03, 2009, 06:08:06 PM
the suspension is until I say I'm sorry or something like that. but truth be told, I have nothing to be sorry about. so basically I will never say/promise what they want me to say/promise so literally the suspension is forever.
Even if they decide to cancel it, I will not go back. what they did was way too ugly for me to just close my eyes and pretend nothing happened. if they prefer to ignore and then kick out their top experts and CVs rather than solving their problems, that's their own problem.
8  Web Projects / (formerly / Another Long Url Shortener WebSite aka ALUS.WS on: August 15, 2009, 01:18:18 AM
I have just put the site online. I made 2 modifications to it:
- it's displaying the shortest url, without the ?i= default parameter (like )
- added tinyurl=1 parameter to the save GET request to generate similar to (that is the generated page will only contian the url)

Let me know if anybody has more ideas, maybe I have time to implement Smiley
9  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Delphi is back on: July 28, 2009, 07:15:28 PM
I'm not following the embarcader news but you seem to, so you tell us Wink
10  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Hey Sir Ciuly on: June 21, 2009, 09:48:23 AM
you most likely missunderstand my way of helping. What you are asking falls into the category "do this for me" which I do if I get paid.
Whom I help, with what and when, for free, I decide on my own. If you remember, I made a section on this forum for helping on delphi related problems: however, as you can see, that board is now closed for posting. I thought it's pretty obvious that I am not helping out on any problem for free on this forum.
This forum was created with one thing in mind: feedback on MY code. not modifying my code to suit your needs but fixing bugs in my code or maybe just a place for somebody to write "great stuff".

I think I told you before that I do not have time to help out for free. There are a lot of things I have t do for myself that I don't get paidf for so I'd rather do those.
When my financial problems will go away and I will have time yet again to help people for free, I will do it and most likely I will do it on the new delphipages clone site that will be launched in the near future.
But one thing is for sure, this forum does not have the exposure needed for this kind of activity and right now I'm not interested in giving it such exposure.

I hope you understand.
11  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Hey Sir Ciuly on: June 19, 2009, 09:34:50 AM
try it out and measure the performance gain Wink
12  General / Chit Chat / Re: New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 18, 2009, 09:41:28 PM
I migrated attachments too. you can find the picture here:
13  Site & Forum Feedback / Forum Feedback / Re: Forum moved from PhpBB to SMF on: June 17, 2009, 08:40:15 AM
Private messages were not migrated. If you need them, let me know (email, PM or the contact form)and I'll migrate them as well.
14  Product/Code Feedback / Grease Monkey / Re: Announcements: new scripts/updates/fixes on: June 14, 2009, 07:39:57 PM
this topic is now obsolete. for announcements regarding my greasemonkey scripts se my blog:
15  General / Chit Chat / Re: New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 08, 2009, 10:50:01 PM
the forum was moved from phpbb to SMF. apparently the converter software was unable to get the attachments as well.
I will get that fixed in the following days.
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