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1  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Delphi is back on: July 26, 2009, 02:47:44 AM
Hey any updated news of Delphi?  Its July 26 2009!
2  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Hey Sir Ciuly on: June 20, 2009, 04:57:21 PM

I have a code that is faster than your code, but can you modify it and add custom number of threads to run?
I will send you the code at your private box.
Can you modify the code for me, and send it back after doing it.

3  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Re: Hey Sir Ciuly on: June 18, 2009, 10:10:02 PM
What about using TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchroniser?
If that will be added to your code, it will gain more speed performance?

Thanks for the programmers dad(ciuly) picture.
4  General / Chit Chat / Re: New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 18, 2009, 10:05:23 PM
Ok, I got it.
5  Archived (read-only) / Experts-Exchange / My EE account has been suspended again on: June 15, 2009, 11:12:29 PM
I don't really know the reason  Grin
6  General / Chit Chat / Re: New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 10, 2009, 02:47:26 AM
we love to see that image again
i mean everytime, that's why i post it in my yahoo image display.

7  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / Hey Sir Ciuly on: June 08, 2009, 07:43:55 PM
Do you have any faster code than that code, I mean the fastest file_search for you? can you update that, please.  I hope the code is Delphi.

8  General / Chit Chat / Re: New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 08, 2009, 07:41:44 PM
programmer's dad image was lost, where is?
never mind, i used it in my yahoo mess display image, saved.
9  General / Chit Chat / New gui on jun 9 2009 on: June 08, 2009, 07:38:19 PM
is it cooler?  Roll Eyes
10  General / Chit Chat / How to on: May 17, 2009, 11:53:19 AM
Quote from: "rionroc"
mousedown to mouseover

It's mouseover to mousedown
11  General / Chit Chat / How to on: May 17, 2009, 11:51:21 AM
Hello Sir Ciuly

I hope you can add it with the path of the filename selected.

Regarding to change infoTip from mousedown to mouseover (my first choice), and hoping you can find a way using your creative ideas.

12  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / 'Enable/disable network adapters' code example on: May 16, 2009, 05:35:53 AM

Sorry for my answer, I thought your asking for any of as.

Anyway! Good luck!

13  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / 'Enable/disable network adapters' code example on: May 15, 2009, 10:46:51 PM
I understand that this is the one you are basing.

>>With the code from the link above I assume that it might be possible to modify it with other parameters to also get a list of dialup connections. Is this true or will dialup enumeration require a totally different approach?
for me, NO!, you could select and disable the device of dialup, such as the modem device. (but you must know first the name of the modem device)

>>Would it be possible to limit the query seeking for specific types of adapters, like wireless and bluetooth one and ignore loopback adapters and 1394 oners by changing parameters in the code above..?   YES

>>Would it also be possible to check if a network cable is plugged in or not with this code...?   is NOT with that code or link.
14  General / Chit Chat / How to on: May 15, 2009, 09:50:13 PM
Thank you Sir

Actually the code runs fine,  InfoTip can get the path and filename.

function TInfoTip.Load(pszFileName: POleStr; dwMode: Integer): HResult;
WideCharToStrVar(pszFileName, fName);
Result := S_OK;

function TInfoTip.GetInfoTip(dwFlags: DWORD; var ppwszTip: PWideChar): HResult;
ppwszTip := StringToOleStr('The infotip3 for: ' + #13 + fName);
Result := S_OK;

//fName RETURNS the path and the filename.

For my question1:
What I'm asking for the infoTip display [if mousedown] was press and not the mouseover, that if is possible.   But if that is impossible,   how about displaying the infoTip on a Delphi form.
//end question1

//begin question2
>>does not contain the path, only the filename?
That is about my other post that I deleted(the question2), and I hope you have the copy.   The function selectedfilename only gets the filename anywhere inside desktop windows explorer,  but does not include the path.

This is the output of the project I made:

Please see it Sir,  to understand this issue
Sorry for the mix questions.
15  Site & Forum Feedback / Forum Feedback / Suggestion Box on: May 15, 2009, 03:47:07 PM
I suggest to turn this forum into a main page of, and any subject regarding to main page shall be transfered to this forum.

So this forum site will be the main page of as a Delphi Zombie website.

What do you think, Sir Ciuly?
What about the other zombies say?

Well its just a suggestion, but its a good start.

Zombie Website
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