Thank you Sir
Actually the code runs fine, InfoTip can get the path and filename.
function TInfoTip.Load(pszFileName: POleStr; dwMode: Integer): HResult;
WideCharToStrVar(pszFileName, fName);
Result := S_OK;
function TInfoTip.GetInfoTip(dwFlags: DWORD; var ppwszTip: PWideChar): HResult;
ppwszTip := StringToOleStr('The infotip3 for: ' + #13 + fName);
Result := S_OK;
//fName RETURNS the path and the filename.
For my question1:
What I'm asking for the infoTip display [if mousedown] was press and not the mouseover, that if is possible. But if that is impossible, how about displaying the infoTip on a Delphi form.
//end question1
//begin question2
>>does not contain the path, only the filename?
That is about my other post that I deleted(the question2), and I hope you have the copy. The function selectedfilename only gets the filename anywhere inside desktop windows explorer, but does not include the path.
This is the output of the project I made: see it Sir, to understand this issue
Sorry for the mix questions.