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1  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / 'Enable/disable network adapters' code example on: May 15, 2009, 01:33:02 PM
Thanks rionroc, will look at the code.

Sorry about the subject name.  I mean:

The example form's caption name use 'Enable/disable ...' so that's where I saw it.

Anyhow, I'm trying to put together an application to be run on students' computers during tests and exams.  In many subjeccts they are allowed to use their own computers with any resource saved to their disks, however they are not allowed to communicate by any means.

Hence I wanted to display a small always-stay-on-top window on their screen listing all their network adapters and dialup connections colored according to their activated state.  Then it's easy for the exam staff to visually verify that all network adapters are deactivated.  

Obviously wireless network, bluetooth and dialup (3G mobile cards) are most interesting.  Loopback, 1394 and  wired adapters could mostly be ignored in this situation due to their nature.

Since I've come to the gurus :-) I'd like to ask some questions, and I'd be happy to receive comments.

With the code from the link above I assume that it might be possible to modify it with other parameters to also get a list of dialup connections.  Is this true or will dialup enumeration require a totally different approach?

Would it be possible to limit the query seeking for specific types of adapters, like wireless and bluetooth one and ignore loopback adapters and 1394 oners by changing parameters in the code above..?

Would it also be possible to check if a network cable is plugged in or not with this code...?

Sorry for bugging you, but thanks for any comments on the above topics :-)

best regards

2  Product/Code Feedback / Delphi Tips/Articles/Examples / 'Enable/disable network adapters' code example on: May 15, 2009, 10:20:15 AM

Thanks for the 'enable/disable network adapters' code example :-)

I have a couple of questions:

Does it require administrator's priviledges on the computer it is running? (I only need to monitor the local computer).   I just need to retrieve the adapters status if activated or deactivated....

Secondly, can the code be slightly modified to enumerate dialup connections too...?

Thanks again for a nice piece of code

regards tor
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