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Archived (read-only) / News/Blog / Delphi coding style
on: February 14, 2008, 08:31:54 AM
heh yeah that's true I'm not used to forums:)
as far as I'm concerned coding style may be ugly as long as I can easily read without wondering what going on:) putting blank lines is another stupidty, I wrote some procedure which was 8 or 9 lines but after aplying their rules it doesn't fit on screen. Nightmare!
Archived (read-only) / News/Blog / Hi
on: February 12, 2008, 10:01:44 AM
I've seen many discussions about coding style, of course I have my own style but whenever I join new company I have to use their style. It never was a problem for me until recently, I just can't get used to it. here's little sample:
if ( (not FUsePrinter) or ( (FUsePrinter) and (dlgPrint.Execute) ) ) then begin
also they put blank line before any keyword (for, while, begin, if, case...) moreover they use:
if ... then begin ... end else begin ... end;
everytime even with single line between begin/end.
I gouess I'll pass this article to my manager:)