Reinventing the wheel

Site & Forum Feedback => Forum Feedback => Topic started by: ciuly on June 21, 2007, 09:43:45 AM

Title: Forum Rules and Policies
Post by: ciuly on June 21, 2007, 09:43:45 AM
Due to a lot of spam (both posting and profile info), I decided to take some actions:

Profile information rules:
- only personal sites are allowed in the "web site" field. any other type of sites (bussiness, porn, otehr illegal sites, etc, will be removed without notice)

Posting rules:
- no spam of any kind
- don't post site urls unless really needed

(will be updated)

Title: Forum Rules and Policies
Post by: ciuly on June 24, 2007, 07:47:10 PM
- users that place an unallowed site in their "web site" profile field and have no activity will be considered users made for "silent/passive" adertising and will be deleted without notice.
- uncofirmed users will be deleted after 72 hours