Reinventing the wheel

Archived (read-only) => DC Server - Open discussions => Topic started by: ciuly on March 27, 2007, 10:59:23 AM

Title: Server address/connection/info
Post by: ciuly on March 27, 2007, 10:59:23 AM
Connection info:

Hub Admin/Owner: Ciuly (email:; webpage:
Homepage: (english and romanian versions of the page available)
Hub Location: Romania, Cluj-Napoca, Marasti
Hub Internet Connection From: Astral/UPC (a maximum of 4096/392 kpbs connection - limited to 4096/256 kbps: down/up)

Other hubs to visit:
- type "+url" in main chat (without the quotes)
- tastati "+url" in main chat (fara ghilimele)

VOTE for hub:

This hub is intended to have no limits whatsoever regarding slots, share size, etc.
Acest hub se doreste a fi unul fara nici un fel de limite in ceea ce priveste marimea share-ului sau numarul de sloturi.

Pentru probleme legate de ban:
For tracking ban issues:

Note: the whole dc site ( is going to be discontinued and content will be moved here on forum.